Mastering Employee Performance Tracking

Culture eats strategy for breakfast


"Culture eats strategy for breakfast," a concept famously coined by Peter Drucker, emphasizes the power of organizational culture in success. In the tech sector, this rings especially true, where the landscape's dynamic nature makes efficient, innovative cultures essential. Herein lies the value of TargetBoard, our solution for enhancing this culture through strategic employee performance tracking.

The Importance of Employee Tracking

Efficiency isn't just about resources; it's about optimizing talent, the core capital in tech. Proper employee performance tracking ensures that talent is not only recognized but also cultivated. It's about nurturing an environment where knowledge sharing and collaboration are the norms, where top performers elevate team standards, amplifying efficiency and proficiency. This approach, crucial in a company's early and growth stages, leverages the compounding nature of incremental improvements, systematically eliminating friction and waste, and positioning companies to do more with more.

Common Errors in Employee Performance Tracking

Positioning: The initiation of performance tracking must be positive. It's essential to position these systems as tools for empowerment, fostering accountability, and providing avenues for employees to excel in their roles. Mispositioning can lead to resistance, fear, and a culture counterproductive to the intended goals of growth and improvement.

Bias: It's imperative to ensure inclusivity in performance tracking. Systems that inadvertently favor certain groups create an atmosphere of distrust and inequity, undermining team cohesion and the very fabric of a company's culture. Universal participation ensures fairness and collective advancement.

Accuracy: The backbone of effective performance tracking is accurate, reliable data. Inaccurate tracking generates misleading insights, leading to ill-informed decisions, misdirected resources, and lost opportunities for genuine improvement and innovation.

Alignment: The goals set for employees must mirror the company's objectives. When performance tracking optimizes for targets not in sync with overall company goals, efforts and resources are misaligned. This disconnect not only hampers progress but can also derail a company's trajectory.

The Landscape of Current Solutions

The market today offers a range of solutions, from manual, HR-driven models to automated, vertical-specific tools, and even home-grown BI stacks. While each has its merits, they also come with significant drawbacks. Manual systems like Leapson, Lattice, and Small Improvements can offer positive positioning but may falter with bias and accuracy. Automated tools like Salesforce, Jira, and Zendesk often neglect positioning and are prone to bias and accuracy issues. Home-grown BI stacks, such as those based on Tableau or Looker, are typically expensive, time-consuming to implement, and complex to perfect.

These solutions, in their current forms, fail to holistically address the well-known issues plaguing effective performance tracking.

Introducing TargetBoard

This is where TargetBoard is poised to revolutionize the field. Our mission is to foster a culture that's transparent, accountable, and relentlessly focused on targets. Though the road ahead is long, we're pioneering an efficient and powerful new paradigm for operational excellence. 

Our philosophy is simple: everything starts with the company's goals. Achieving these goals requires accurate, relevant, and actionable data — data that isn't just a point of reference but a catalyst for continuous improvement. With TargetBoard, companies are equipped to refine their strategies daily, moving ever closer to their targets.

We understand that in the realm of tech, the landscape is as promising as it is unforgiving. Efficiency isn't just a metric; it's the lifeline that separates disruptors from the disrupted. And that's precisely what we offer at TargetBoard — a chance to not just be a part of the race but to lead it, one target at a time.


For tech executives, the message is clear: the future belongs to those who understand that culture and strategy, while distinct, are far from mutually exclusive. With tools like TargetBoard, performance tracking becomes less of a task and more of a culture, ingrained in the very fabric of an organization's ethos. It's time to reframe our approach to employee performance, turning insights into actions and objectives into milestones. Welcome to a new era of organizational efficiency. Welcome to TargetBoard.