
Improve Your Aim & Hit Your Targets.

The TargetBoard Academy showcases how TargetBoard transforms data analysis and KPI management, offering insights for companies to enhance performance and solve complex issues. It emphasizes data-driven strategies and KPI optimization, equipping organizations with the knowledge to leverage TargetBoard for improved operational efficiency.

Operational Waste & Bottlenecks

By identifying and addressing operational waste and bottlenecks, companies can significantly improve their efficiency and profitability, and gain more net value from actions.

Keeping biases out

Targetboard addresses the modern challenge of managing vast data streams, providing the tools to cut through biases and enhance decision-making in the flood of information.

Keeping your Partners Honest

TargetBoard simplifies aligning company goals with external partners, ensuring seamless collaboration and performance tracking in the ever-evolving tech startup ecosystem.

Culture eats strategy for breakfastMastering Employee Performance

Discover how TargetBoard merges culture with strategy, transforming performance tracking into an integral part of organizational ethos, allowing them to stretch and achieve more.

Why Startups Fail

Explore how startups, akin to living organisms, navigate their growth journey, facing and overcoming challenges with insights drawn from biology to avoid common pitfalls.

Navigating Towards Your Targets

Targetboard addresses the critical, often overlooked challenges in the startup journey, providing clarity and guidance to navigate the complex challenges effectively and proactively.

Multi-Source KPIs

Solve the complexities of multi-source KPIs, turning strategic decision-making into a seamless, insightful process for businesses where the whole is larger then the sum of its parts.

Not Knowing Sucks

Empower managers to master their domain, transforming management from reactive to proactive with comprehensive KPI insights, keeping them ahead in their leadership journey.

Target Types

Introducing new target types—Milestone, Improvement, SLA, and Lower Limit—designed to help leaders set precise, actionable goals and enhance organizational efficiency.

Serendipity Analytics

The essence of serendipity lies in finding and leveraging significant nuggets of information that were previously hidden. Discover how to turn moments into advantages.

The Cost of Control

Discover how Targetboard streamlines managerial control, providing crucial data and insights efficiently, while reducing the overhead of processes and systems in the corporate world.

DRPs are not just about data backup or IT system redundancy; they are about business continuity amidst unforeseeable adversities.Rethinking Disaster Recovery Plans

Discover how TargetBoard addresses the gap between theory and practice in disaster recovery planning (DRP), enhancing immediate response and long-term resilience for tech startups.

Hunting White Elephants

Learn how the strategic hunt for "white elephants" in software development is not just about downsizing, but about reshaping into a more market-responsive, valuable entity.

Ease Up Vendor Lock-In

Discover how navigating the complexities of vendor lock-in is crucial for organizational flexibility and growth, and how strategic choices in technology solutions impact this dynamic.

Change Management

TargetBoard streamlines change management across diverse business landscapes, turning complex adjustments into a clear, efficient, and insight-driven process.

Due Diligence & 30-60-90 Planning

TargetBoard revolutionizes data access, providing rapid, reliable, and comprehensive insights to empower venture capitalists, companies, and executives in strategic decision-making.

Overcoming Analytics Paralysis

Targetboard Empowers Companies to Overcome Paralysis and Pursue Performance by reducing the entry barrier and removing the risks of making mistakes during the process.

Watch the watchers

Data teams are often stretched thin. Add a critical layer of integrity verification to your data processes, ensuring the KPIs you depend on reflect the true state of affairs.

Ignite Competitiveness

Unlock the full potential of your organization with TargetBoard. Ignite competitiveness using powerful, data-driven tools to compare and enhance performance across all sectors.

Post-M&A Tracking

Targetboard aids in navigating the complexities of M&A in the tech industry, ensuring seamless transitions, maintaining workforce morale, and driving post-merger growth.

Enhancing Collaboration

xplore how TargetBoard revolutionizes organizational communication, facilitating data-driven dialogue across all levels, and enhancing decision-making in the data-centric era.

Get your shit together early!

Uncover why startups, from inception to early growth, must prioritize KPI tracking with TargetBoard, leveraging data-driven insights for a competitive edge in today's fast-paced market.

Bouncing Back from Crisis

Targetboard helps organizations navigate crises by balancing immediate responses with structured processes, fostering recovery, resilience, and sustainable growth.

Garbage In, Garbage Out

TargetBoard enhances data quality for BI, analytics, and performance management, empowering CxOs at SaaS companies to make better decisions and plan strategically.

Project Management

Streamline project management for tech startups by offering comprehensive KPI tracking, ensuring projects are guided to successful completion with data-driven support.